Lyrics to the hymn, Christ For The World We Sing

Snowy trees


Hello. I am a Mother of Gooses and a lover of hymns; I consider them to be a work of art. And they bring glory to God, our Creator and Redeemer, and Friend. 

A sunny snowy day

The Subject At Hand

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn, Christ For The World We Sing; it was written in 1869 by Samuel Wolcott, and it is now published in 411 hymnals.

 If you don't know how the tune goes, I'll leave some links down below.

A mountain and a field

The Lyrics

Verse 1 

Christ for the world we sing;

The world to Christ we bring 

With loving zeal:

The poor and them that mourn,

The faint and overborne,

Sin-sick and sorrow-worn,

For Christ doth heal.

Verse 2 

Christ for the world we sing;

The world to Christ we bring 

With fervent prayer:

The wayward and the lost, 

By restless passion tossed,

Redeemed at countless cost 

From dark despair.

Verse 3 

Christ for the world we sing;

The world to Christ we bring 

With one accord:

With us the work to share,

With us reproach to dare,

With us the cross to bear,

For Christ our Lord.

Verse 4

Christ for the world we sing;

The world to Christ we bring 

With joyful song:

The newborn souls whose days,

Reclaimed from error's ways,

Inspired with hope and praise,

To Christ belong.

Trees and a field


"Redeemed at countless cost."

Jesus Christ was perfect. He never sinned; He died on a cross and rose again after being dead for three days. And because of His sacrifice, we can go to Heaven.

If you aren't a Christian, all you have to do is believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross and rose again, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. 

We have been redeemed by the blood of the Son of God. We have been redeemed at countless cost. 

The sky


Thank you for reading this far; I hope that today's post was informative, and that you learned something new. 

I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day. Go to past posts to read more.

May God bless you and protect you.

Soli Deo Gloria.

                         -Mother of Gooses

Olive Tree Hymns: Christ For The World We Sing

Links To Outside Sources

Olive Tree Hymns:



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