Lyrics to the hymn, Beneath The Cross Of Jesus

A pretty lake


Hello. I am a Mother of Gooses and a lover of hymns; I consider them to be a work of art. And they bring glory to God, our Creator and Redeemer, and Friend. 

Some trees and a field

The Subject At Hand

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn, Beneath The Cross Of Jesus; it was written by Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane in 1868, and is now published in 530 hymnals.

I'll leave some links down below if you don't know how the tune goes.

A field

The Lyrics

Verse 1 

Beneath the cross of Jesus 

I fain would take my stand,

The shadow of a mighty Rock

Within a weary land;

A home within the wilderness,

A rest upon the way,

From the burning of the noontide heat,

And the burden of the day.

Verse 2 

Oh, safe and happy shelter!

Oh, refuge tried and sweet!

Oh, trysting place where Heaven's love 

And Heaven's justice meet.

As to the holy patriarch 

That wondrous dream was given,

So is my Savior by the cross

A ladder up to Heaven.

Verse 3 

There lies beneath its shadow,

But on the farther side,

The darkness of an awful grave

That gapes both deep and wide;

And there between us stands the cross,

Two arms outstretched to save,

Like a watchman set to guard the way

From that eternal grave.

Verse 4

Upon that cross of Jesus 

Mine eye at times can see

The very dying form of One,

Who suffered there for me;

And from my smitten heart, with tears,

Two wonders I confess:

The wonders of His glorious love,

And my own worthlessness. 

Verse 5 

I take, O cross, thy shadow

For my abiding place;

I ask no other sunshine than 

The sunshine of His face;

Content to let the world go by,

To know no gain nor loss,

My sinful self my only shame,

My glory all the cross.

A tree with flowers underneath it.❤️


"My sinful self my only shame, my glory all the cross."

I love that line.

Thank you, Lord, for Your sacrifice.

A lilac bush


Thank you for reading this far; I hope that today's post was informative, and that you learned something new. 

I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day. Go to past posts to read more.

May God bless you and protect you.

Soli Deo Gloria.

                         -Mother of Gooses

Olive Tree Hymns: Beneath The Cross Of Jesus

Links To Outside Sources

Olive Tree Hymns:



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