Lyrics to the song, The Fox (Went Out On A Chilly Night)

A long line of lovely lilacs


 Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog, where I write the lyrics to songs, recipes to recipes, facts about instruments and animals, and then some random things.🙃

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the folk song, The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night. 

It is about a fox that doesn't seem to mind the quack-quack-quacks and the legs all dangling down-o.

If you don't know how the tune, go to YouTube and look up Folksandhymns; it is the only version I listen to, and it's amazing.

Now, on with the show!

Country road

The Lyrics

Verse 1 

Oh the fox went out on a chilly night,

Prayed for the moon to give him light,

For he had many a mile to go that night

Before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o, 

Many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o.

Verse 2 

He ran 'til he came to a great big pen

Where the ducks and the geese were kept therein;

He said, "A couple of you are gonna grease my chin

Before I leave this town-o, town-o, town-o,

A couple of you are gonna grease my chin before I leave this town-o!"

Verse 3 

He grabbed the gray goose by the neck,

Threw the ducks across his back;

He didn't mind the "quack-quack-quack"

And the legs all danglin' down-o, down-o, down-o, 

He didn't mind the "quack-quack-quack" and the legs all danglin' down-o.

Verse 4

Ten old Mother Flipper Flopper jumped out of bed,

Out of the window she popped her head,

Cryin', "John, John, the gray goose is gone, 

And the fox is on the town-o, town-o, town-o, 

John, John, the gray goose is gone, and the fox is on the town-o!"

Verse 5

Then John, he ran to the top of the hill,

Blew his horn both loud and shrill; 

The fox, he said, "I better flee with my kill,

For they'll soon be on my trail-o, trail-o, trail-o."

The fox, he said, "I better flee with my kill, for they'll soon be on my trail-o!"

Verse 6

Well he ran 'til he came to his cozy den, 

There were his little ones, eight nine ten.

Cryin', "Daddy, daddy, better go back again

'Cause it must be a mighty fine town-o, town-o, town-o,

Daddy, daddy, better go back again, 'cause it must be a mighty fine town-o!"

Verse 7

Then the fox and his wife, without any strife,

Cut up the goose with a carving knife;

They never had such a supper in their life, 

And the little ones chewed on the bones-o, bones-o, bones-o,

They never had such a supper in their life and the little ones chewed on the bones-o!

Power lines ruin the view


Isn't it a fun song?🙂

The Folksandhymns version really is amazing; they used the guitar to build up the story and she added the perfect note of urgency when it was needed.

She did a great quack-quack-quack.

I will leave the link to her video and channel down below.

Wait, before you go.

What do you do to catch a fox?

We did once, totally by accident and God's grace, but I am fairly outdoorsy person, and would like to be a successful trapper.

Leave any tips down below.

Thick gray clouds

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I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, or the occasional Random Chatty Day; go to past posts to read more.

Goodbye, and God bless.

     -Mother of Gooses
Folksandhymns channel:

The Fox (Went Out On A Chilly Night):

  Thank you for letting the Mother of Gooses blog be your source of information


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