

Trees and a dashboard


Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog; here, you can find facts about instruments and animals, recipes to recipes, some sun facts... And the lyrics to a lot of hymns.

Some trees

Today's Subject

Today, I am just shouting out the praise to one of the best YouTube channels in the world: Folksandhymns.

The lady, whom I call Kathy Wilson, started her channel in 2019, I think, and is one of the best singers in the world.

Kathy plays the guitar, and sings hymns and folk songs, such as Redeemed, How I Love To Proclaim It, and The Wellerman; sometimes she sings folk songs with her kids. 

One time, she just sang a cappella to her little baby.

She is really, really good at what she does, and is part of what makes dishes fun.

She updates once a month, and she currently has 109 videos, and 15.5k subscribers; she makes her content kid-friendly, which means nothing suggestive and no comments.

People write really nasty things in comments in the comments sometimes.

Folksandhymns is part of what makes Mother of Gooses possible; my love of hymns has expanded since listening to her, and she is a great source to recommend to.

The sky and a tree

Nobody wants to hear just Kaleb Brasee or Carrie Underwood; they want words, and sometimes they want simple music, with just a voice and guitar.

And another reason to love Folksandhymns: she sings the whole hymn.

If you have read this blog for any amount of time, you would know that I LOVE hymns and I like them in their entirety; I mean, she doesn't always sing the entire hymn, but that's because she doesn't know that verse.

Some verses are pretty obscure.


Folksandhymns is amazing, and we need to encourage her; so, go to her channel and subscribe. Also, give a big thumbs up to every song that you hear, and recommend her channel to other people.

And support her on Patreon; we want her to be encouraged by the support, and to keep up this amazing work.

Kathy Wilson, if you're reading this, thank you for doing for what you do, keep up the good work... And PLEASE upload more than once a month.

The sky during a thunderstorm


I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day; go to past posts to read more. 

Let me know in the comments what you thought of today's post; I love hearing your opinions.

Follow this link to find Folksandhymns on YouTube.

Goodbye, and God bless.

         -Mother of Gooses

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