Lyrics to the hymn, Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog, where I write about hymns, instruments, recipes, and animals; I hope that I can answer any questions that you might have.
Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn, Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah, by William Williams in 1745; somebody named Peter Williams translated it in 1771.
If you don't know how the tune goes, I'll leave some links down below.
Now, on with the show!
Verse 1
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but Thou art mighty,
Hold me with Thy pow'rful hand.
Bread of Heaven, feed me 'til I want no more.
Bread of Heaven, feed me 'til I want no more.
Verse 2
Open now the crystal fountain,
Whence the healing stream doth flow;
Let the fiery cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliv'rer, be Thou still my strength and shield.
Strong Deliv'rer, be Thou still my strength and shield.
Verse 3
Lord, I trust Thy mighty power,
Wondrous are Thy works of old;
Thou deliver'st Thine from thralldom,
Who for naught themselves had sold:
Thou didst conquer sin and Satan and the grave.
Thou didst conquer sin and Satan and the grave.
Verse 4
When I tread the verge of Jordan,
Bid my anxious fears subside;
Bear me through the swelling current,*
Land me safe on Canaan's side;
Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee.
Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee.
(*Alternate: Death of death and hell's destruction.)
"Thou didst conquer sin and Satan and the grave."
We have no fear of death if we trust in Jesus. What a blessed peace.
If you aren't a Christian, all that you have to do is believe that Jesus is Lord and that He died for our sins and rose again. That is all. Please, trust in Jesus.
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Goodbye, and God bless.
-Mother of Gooses
Olive Tree Hymns:
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