Lyrics to the hymn, Wonderful Grace Of Jesus

An absolutely beautiful lake


Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog, where I write about hymns, instruments, recipes, and animals; I hope that I can answer any questions that you might have.

A little country road

The Subject At Hand

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn, Wonderful Grace Of Jesus, by Haldor Lillenas in 1918.

It has four part harmony, I believe, and it sounds really nice; I'll leave some links down below so that you can find the tune.

Now, as I have nothing else to add, on with the show!

A mountain, trees, clouds, and blue sky.
It is indescribable how beautiful it is.

The Lyrics

Verse 1 

Wonderful grace of Jesus,

Greater than all my sin;

How shall my tongue describe it,

Where shall its praise begin?

Taking away my burden,

Setting my spirit free;

For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.


Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,

Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;

Higher than the mountain,

Sparkling like a fountain,

All-sufficient grace for even me!

Broader than the scope of my transgressions,

Greater far than all my sin and shame;

Oh magnify the precious name of Jesus,

Praise His Name!

Verse 2 

Wonderful grace of Jesus, 

Reaching to all the lost,

By it I have been pardoned, 

Saved to the uttermost;

Chains have been torn asunder,

Giving me liberty;

For the wonderful love of Jesus reaches me.


Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,

Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;

Higher than the mountain,

Sparkling like a fountain,

All-sufficient grace for even me!

Broader than the scope of my transgressions,

Greater far than all my sin and shame;

Oh magnify the precious name of Jesus,

Praise His Name!

Verse 3 

Wonderful grace of Jesus,

Reaching the most defiled,

By its transforming power,

Making him God's dear child;

Purchasing peace and Heaven 

For all eternity-

And the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.


Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,

Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;

Higher than the mountain,

Sparkling like a fountain,

All-sufficient grace for even me!

Broader than the scope of my transgressions,

Greater far than all my sin and shame;

Oh magnify the precious name of Jesus,

Praise His Name!

Blue skies and green trees=beautiful


Isn't it pretty? 

We owe so much to the wonderful grace of Jesus; if He didn't love us, we would be on our way to Hell, with no barrier. But because Jesus is the King of Love, He sacrificed Himself for us, and now we have the promise of Heaven.

The wonderful grace of Jesus reaches the most defiled; His blood covers the sin of thinking a rude thought to the crimes of a dictator or a serial killer in or the most active pro-abortion person.

It covers EVERYTHING. We owe so much to Jesus.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and provision.

Field and mountains 


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Goodbye, and God bless.

                                               -Mother of Gooses

Kaleb Brasee

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