Lyrics to the hymn, My Worth Is Not In What I Own (And BIG News!)


Something on a power pole


Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog, where I write about hymns, instruments, recipes, and animals; I hope that I can answer any questions that you might have.

A field

The Subject At Hand

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn, My Worth Is Not In What I Own, by Keith and Kristyn Getty, and Graham Kendrick; it was released in 2014, so it is a fairly new hymn.

Also, at the end of the post, I have an announcement that I am very excited about; so please stick around. Please.🥹

If you don't know how the tune goes, I'll leave some links down below.

Now, on with the show!

 A beautiful field

The Lyrics

Verse 1 

My worth is not in what I own,

Not in the strength of flesh and bone;

But in the costly wounds of love

At the cross.

Verse 2 

My worth is not in skill or name,

In win or lose, in pride or shame;

But in the blood of Christ that flowed 

At the cross.


I rejoice in my Redeemer,

Greatest treasure,

Wellspring of my soul;

I will trust in Him, no other;

My soul is satisfied in Him alone.

Verse 3 

As summer flowers we fade and die,

Fame, youth, and beauty hurry by;

But life eternal calls to us

At the cross. 

Verse 4

I will no boast in wealth or might,

Or human wisdom's fleeting light;

But I will boast in knowing Christ

At the cross.


I rejoice in my Redeemer,

Greatest treasure,

Wellspring of my soul;

I will trust in Him, no other;

My soul is satisfied in Him alone.

A tiger


I like this song; it is good reminder that we own nothing of true, eternal value here on Earth, except the knowledge of Christ and His sacrifice.

"As summer flowers we fade and die, fame, youth, and beauty hurry by; but life eternal calls to us at the cross."

That is a good verse. The earthly delights that we have here in this life are temporary, and when they leave, we are old, ugly, (let's be honest) and a nobody.

The only permanent thing that we have is the hope of glory. Thank you, Jesus.🙏

My celebratory picture 

Our Big News


I joined the ranks of bloggers on January 3rd, 2024. And now, August 25th, 2024, we are celebrating my 100th post!😃

This is actually quite exciting, and and I'm so glad that I've started blogging. Here are some reasons why I enjoy doing it, and also new things that I've discovered.


I have learned a lot of hymns; I can now entertain myself while doing things, and church is so much more enjoyable now that I have hymns to look forward to. Fun fact: most of the hymns on my blog were songs that I heard in Church. While doing hymn-hunting for the blog, I've found new favorite hymns, such as God Leads His Dear Children Along, Nearer, My God, To Thee, Day By Day, and Abide With Me.

I have also learned the more obscure verses to hymns, which pleases me; I have learned the stories behind hymns, and that has helped me appreciate that particular hymn more.


I have learned to be consistent and I have learned to try not to make mistakes; I made some mistakes in my blogging that I've had to go back and fix. 

To be fair, I had just started blogging, but excuses are unacceptable.

If you go back and look at my first ten posts, they weren't on schedule. Either I had gotten lazy and didn't write a post, or I accidentally sent out a new post off schedule.😬 



I have found new singers that I enjoy listening to, such as Folksandhymns, Olive Tree Hymns, Toby Keith, and Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Thank you, Olive Tree Hymns and Folksandhymns, for doing what you do; it really helps us here on Mother of Gooses. And, Kaleb Brasee, we appreciate you, too. You've played multiple hymns, and it helps.


I've figured out what makes me happy. Hymns make me happy; can you believe that I originally didn't mean for this blog to be a hymn blog?

I once meant for it to be just animals, recipes, and instruments, but hymns weaseled their way in once the only ready post I had ready was a hymn, and I needed a post right then. So...hymns are my niche.

I at first thought that I would send out hymns on the last day of the month. But I guess God had different plans.

I appreciate hymns more, and I hope to help you in some way.


I am a better writer in general; it is easier to find rhymes to my own little songs because I've written down other people's hymns. I enjoy the blogging experience, and I hope to do this for years to come. 

The forest

Here's some advice for newer bloggers. I am telling you what I wish I knew when I started blogging.

Because I didn't know these thing, I've had to go back and edit posts, and that's no fun.😢...............😁

First: make sure you have headings. For me, headings are the Introduction, The Subject At Hand, The Lyrics, Afterwards, and the Outro. 

Figure out your niche, (my niche is mainly hymns) and then figure out what headings you would need for your blog. 

Then get your grammar right; add the necessary commas, periods, and parenthesis, and spell things right.

Don't try to advertise your product; it is ANNOYING to read, and you don't want people to be annoyed with your blog. Try to make it sound nice without sounding like "This is literally the BEST chocolate cake ever! With a chocolatey ganache and a fluffy buttercream, this cake will make you want to eat it all day long)"

Try to sound like, "This is my mother's recipe; I can't guarantee that you'll love it, but I think that you will. No money back, however, if you dislike it."


Okay, that wasn't funny.

Next tip: use proper keywords. 

To find out what's popular, type Carrie Underwood (or Taylor Swift or Miranda Lambert or Tanya Tucker) into YouTube, and see what is right at the top; that is what people are looking up the most, and that is what you should write about.

Say that you were writing the lyrics to a Gretchen Wilson song; type into YouTube Gretchen Wilson, and see what song is at the top. Let's say that it was Redneck Woman.

So, for the title of your blog post, you would write, "Lyrics to Gretchen Wilson's Song, Redneck Woman."

And find a good blog name; Mother of Gooses was just a random title that was chosen, as I like geese and it's unique. Try to find a neat title.

I don't have much else to say, except thanks for letting me be your source of information, and thank you for reading to this point in the post.

I hope to continue blogging, and to continue to give you good content. Definitely support Olive Tree Hymns, Folksandhymns, and Kaleb Brasee.

See you tomorrow, and thank you again.

A lilac bush 


I  hope that you enjoyed today's post; feel free to share it with your friends and family, and leave a comment.

I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day; go to past posts to read more.

Goodbye, and God bless.

                                           -Mother of Gooses

Keith and Kristyn Getty

Links To Outside Sources 

Keith and Kristyn Getty:



   Thank you for letting the Mother of Gooses blog be your source of information 


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