Lyrics to the hymn, Blessed Be The Name

The sun during a solar eclipse


Hello, and welcome to my blog known as the Mother of Gooses blog. I hope that I can answer any questions that you might have.

Today, we are looking at the hymn, Blessed Be The Name, by William H. Clark; it was first published in 1888, and is classified under the category, Praise Song.

If you don't know how the tune goes, go to YouTube and look up Kaleb Brasee; he plays the piano, and is an amazing pianist.

Now, on with the show!

Bridge and a stone house

The Lyrics

Verse 1

All praise to Him who reigns above

In majesty supreme, 

Who gave His Son for man to die,

That He might man redeem!


Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the Name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Verse 2 

His name above all names shall stand,

Exalted more and more,

At God the Father's own right hand,

Where angel hosts adore.


Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the Name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Verse 3 

Redeemer, Savior, friend of man 

Once ruined by the fall,

Thou hast devised salvation's plan,

For Thou hast died for all.


Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the Name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Verse 4 

His name shall be the Counselor, 

The mighty Prince of Peace,

Of all Earth's kingdoms conqueror, 

Whose reign shall never cease.


Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the Name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Blessed be the Name! Blessed be the name!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Dashboard, sky, mountains, and trees 


Well, what do you think?

What was your favorite verse?

Let me know down in the comments; also, please let me know what you thought of today's post. It would be so nice hearing from you.

I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day; go to past posts if you want to read more.

May God send His grace upon you.

     -Mother of Gooses

    Thank you for letting the Mother of Gooses blog be your source of information


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