Lyrics to the pro-life song, I Was Gonna Be


But I was gone before I arrived...


Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog, where I write the lyrics to hymns, facts about instruments and animals, recipes and so much more. (Actually...not that much more.😉)

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I Was Gonna Be

The Subject At Hand

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to Rachel Holt's song, I Was Gonna Be.

Chris Wallin wrote it from the perspective of a baby that had been aborted; he did an absolutely beautiful job, and hearing it makes me sad.

C'mon, people! How is it okay to MURDER a baby?!😡😡😡😡😡😡

It makes me so mad! How can you willingly slaughter a baby just because you don't want the responsibility of caring for a child, or because you want to stay a slim little hot cookie?!



I'll leave some links down below so that you can hear this tear inspiring song.

I hope that this changes your mind on abortion, unless you already hate it; if that's the case, then good for you!

All I wanted was a chance

The Lyrics

Verse 1 

Some don't believe in a living soul;

Just a bad mistake that needs to go.

If my mama could of just seen my face,

Maybe she would've had me anyway.

There are those who speak for me,

Who fight for lives that they can't see;

But there are some who only mourn

This life of mine if I were born.


All I wanted was a chance

To learn to love and laugh and dance;

But I was gone before I arrived,

Sent back to heaven on a starlight flight.

Yeah, I was gonna change the world.

I was gonna be a girl.

Verse 2

The first thing I was gonna do

Was breathe and fall in love with you;

But a couple weeks before I saw the light,

Mine flickered out when you changed your mind.


All I wanted was a chance 

To learn to love and laugh and dance;

But I was gone before I arrived,

Sent back to heaven on a starlight flight.

I was gonna have some pretty curls.

Yeah, I was gonna be a girl.

Verse 3 

I'm more than just some one night stand,

Or some burden that you think I am;

And there ain't no man who's ever gonna be 

What I was gonna be.

Some don't believe I'm a living soul;

Just a bad mistake that needs to go.

I was gonna change the world


See what I mean?😭 It makes me so sad.

"First thing I was gonna do was breathe and fall in love with you."

"But I was gone before I arrived, sent back to heaven on a starlight flight."


Some doctor was evil enough to agree to preform surgery on a woman and rip the soul from the helpless, breakable body of an unborn baby.

Why do people have abortions? If you don't want to deal with the shame of pregnancy, then quit fooling around.

At least take birth control pills!

When you kill a baby, you are destroying the future ; your baby could've had the answer to cancer, or they could make America great again.

But no. 

You agreed to killing a child, and now you can't be known as the mother of that doctor or the president.


You will stand before God someday, and how happy do you think He'd be, knowing that you had an abortion?


And don't even get me started on birthday abortions. 

I could rant and rave about this for a while; maybe I'll have a post dedicated to proving that abortion is wrong. Not maybe. I will.

Are you getting my point here?!

Let me know down in the comments what you thought of today's post; please share it with your friends and family.

I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day; go to past posts to read more.

Goodbye, and God bless.

         -Mother of Gooses

But there are some who only mourn

Links To Outside Sources

Rachel Holt:



Allie Beth Stuckey:



   Thank you for letting the Mother of Gooses blog be your source of information


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