Lyrics to the song, The Swapping Song



Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog; I hope that I can answer any questions that you might have.

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the incredibly fun song, The Swapping Song.

The oldest version of it was printed in 1842; it is a folk song, and it honestly is one of my favorite songs.

It is also known as The Foolish Boy, or Wim Wim Wim Wobble-o.

If you don't know how the tune goes, go look up Folksandhymns on YouTube; that was where I first heard it, and it is the only version I've listened to since.

Now, on with the show!

A bridge

 The Lyrics

Verse 1 

My father died and I don't know how;

He left me six horses to follow the plough.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 2 

I sold the horses and bought a cow;

But how for to milk her, I didn't know how.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 3 

I sold the cow and I bought a calf;

I never made a bargain, but I lose the better half.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 4 

So I sold the calf and I bought a pig;

Poor little thing, it never grew big.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 5

I sold my pig and I bought a goose;

It bit me whene'er it got loose.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 6

I sold the goose and bought a duck;

It turned it's clean water straight into muck.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 7

So I sold my duck and bought a hen,

To lay me an egg every now and then.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 8

I sold my hen and a bought a sheep;

Never got wool, 'twas always asleep.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 9

So I sold my sheep and I bought a quail;

It scared me with its deafening wail.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o, 

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow. 

Verse 10 

I sold my quail and I bought a goat;

Nothing could keep it in, not even a moat.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 11

I sold my goat and I bought a dog; 

It chased its tail into a bog.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 12 

I sold my dog and I bought a cat;

The pretty little thing in the corner sat.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o,

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 13 

I sold my cat and I bought a mouse; 

It set fire to its tail and it burned down my house.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o, 

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Verse 14 

So I sold my mouse and I bought a mole;

Darned little thing, it went straight down its hole.

With a wim wim wim wobble-o, 

Strim strim strim strobble-o,

Wobble-o, pretty boy, over the brow.

Trees and a power line


Well, there it is! 

He had six horses, then he had nothing; this is why we spend our money wisely.

It is a very fun song, and I wrote some of my own lyrics; let me know down in the comments which ones you thought I wrote, and didn't just pick up somewhere,

I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day; go to past posts to read more.

Goodbye, and God bless.

     -Mother of Gooses

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