Lyrics to the hymn, Jesus! What A Friend For Sinners!


The sky during a thunderstorm


Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog, where I write about hymns, instruments, recipes, and animals. 

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn, Jesus! What A Friend For Sinners!

It was written in 1910, by J. Wilbur Chapman; it is a beautiful song, and I have recently been able to say that I know it by heart.

Although, I had to think about how the third verse went, which is crazy, as that is my favorite verse.

If you don't know how the tune goes, click on the link I will leave at the bottom of the post; and if you like today's post, please share it with your friends and family.

Now, on with the show! 

Verse 1

Jesus! What a friend for sinners! 

Jesus! Lover of my soul; 

Friends may fail me, foes assail me,

He, my Savior, makes me whole.


Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Hallelujah! What a friend! 

Saving, helping, keeping, loving, 

He is with me to the end!

Verse 2

Jesus! What a Strength in weakness! 

Let me hide myself in Him; 

Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing,*

He, my Strength, my victory wins.


Hallelujah! What a Savior!

  Hallelujah! What a friend! 

  Saving, helping, keeping, loving, 

He is with me to the end!

Verse 3

Jesus! What a Help in sorrow!

While the billows o'er me roll,

Even when my heart is breaking,

He my Comfort, helps my soul.


Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Hallelujah! What a friend! 

Saving, helping, keeping, loving, 

He is with me to the end!

Verse 4 

Jesus! What a Guide and Keeper!

While the tempest still is high,

Storms about me , night o'er takes me,

He, my Pilot, hears my cry.


Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Hallelujah! What a friend! 

Saving, helping, keeping, loving, 

He is with me to the end!

Verse 5

Jesus! I do now receive Him!

More than all in Him I find; 

He hath granted me forgiveness,

I am His, and He is mine.


Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Hallelujah! What a friend!

Saving, helping, keeping, loving,

He is with me to the end.

*Alternative: Tempted, tried, in Him confiding...

Alternative ending to verse 5: Christ in me, the Hope of glory, I am His...

A pretty country road 


I really like verse 3; I have often felt miserable, and it is super relatable.

I didn't know that there were so many alternate ways to sing the hymn; that's interesting.

The trees

Let me know what you thought of today's post down in the comments; I love hearing from you.

I send out new content every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and the occasional Random Chatty Day; go to past posts to read more.

Goodbye, and God bless.

                                               -Mother of Gooses

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