Lyrics to the hymn, Be In Time

A pretty country-side 


Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog; I hope that your questions are answered in this blog post.

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn, Be In Time. I am not sure who wrote it, or when. Sorry.

It is about how we can't know how long we are going to life, and should therefore be trying to live for Jesus.

If you don't know how the tune goes, look up Squirrel 24 on YouTube; it is my favorite version of the song, and the congregation did a pretty good job.

Now, on with the show!

(Sorry, can't think of a better outro)

Unprofessionally taken, but it looks cool

The Lyrics 

Verse 1 

Life at best is very brief, 

Like the falling of a leaf,

Like the binding of  a sheaf, 

Be in time.

Fleeting days are telling fast

That the die will soon be cast,

And the fatal line be passed,

Be in time.


Be in time, be in time;

While the voice of Jesus calls you,

Be in time.

If in sin you longer wait, 

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late,

Be in time.

Verse 2 

Fairest flowers soon decay, 

Youth and beauty pass away,

Oh, you have not long to stay, 

Be in time.

While God's Spirit bids you come, 

Sinner, do not longer roam,

Lest you seal your helpless doom, 

Be in time.


Be in time, be in time;

While the voice of Jesus calls you,

Be in time.

If in sin you longer wait, 

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late,

Be in time.

Verse 3 

Time is gliding swiftly by,

Death and judgement draweth nigh,

To the arms of Jesus fly, 

Be in time.

Oh, I pray you count the cost, 

Ere the fatal line be cost, 

And your soul in Hell be lost,

Be in time.


Be in time, be in time;

While the voice of Jesus calls you,

Be in time.

If in sin you longer wait, 

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late,

Be in time.

Verse 4 

Sinner, heed the warning voice, 

Make the Lord your final choice, 

Then all Heaven will rejoice,

Be in time.

Come from darkness into light,

Come let Jesus make right,

Come and start for Heaven tonight, 

Be in time.


Be in time, be in time;

While the voice of Jesus calls you,

Be in time.

If in sin you longer wait, 

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late,

Be in time.

Cars and a bridge


I heard it recently, and it is now one of my favorite songs.

My friends, be in time. 

Forever is not forever, and you could die at any moment. 

Accept Jesus into your heart, then tell others about Him; the world is lost, and is on the way to Hell. 

If there is a subject that you want me to cover, let me know down in the comments; I love hearing from you.

I update on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Random Chatty Days. Go to past posts to read more.

Goodbye, and God bless.

     -Mother of Gooses

    Thank you for letting the Mother of Gooses blog be your source of information 


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