Random Chatty Day: The Solar Eclipse

Hello, hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog, where today, the topic is the solar eclipse.

The solar eclipse is when the moon comes in front of the sun, therefore casting a a shadow over the earth in the middle of the day.

Nowadays, it is considered cool, but in the old times, nobody expected the eclipse, and they were terrified.

The people of China thought that a celestial dog was eating the sun, so they would go outside and bang things together to scare the creature away.

Other countries thought that jaguars or wolves we're eating the sun, so they would shoot arrows into the sky.

The only people who weren't startled by the eclipse were the people who spent their lives studying the skies; so when they saw that an eclipse was going to happen, they would go to the king of the land and make a demand, threatening that if they don't do what the person said, they would make the sun go dark.

Of course, the kings didn't believe them; but, wonders of wonders, the sun went dark, the people were terrified, and the kings succumbed to the demands of the magicians.

But, because of technology, we understand how this works, and we all flock to see it.

It really is amazing, and we got to view the total eclipse that occurred on April 8th; we had traveled north, and it was BREATH-TAKING!

I got some pictures, and the ones I got of the eclipse are utterly  ridiculous, but there were some beautiful mountains and houses.

                                    Most of the pictures were taken on the road

So pretty

And traffic. Don't forget traffic.

                      You need solar eclipse glasses if you don't want to go blind.

You know that I'm bored to death when I take pictures of other people's dogs.

This dog barked whenever a big truck went by. And when you are in a one lane traffic jam for forty minutes, that is funny.

Now, for some random pictures.

       MY SHOE!

It really was an amazing experience, and I am probably never going to see it again. 

A true once in a lifetime experience. 

If there is a particular subject you want me to cover, please let me know down in the comments.

I update on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Random Chatty Days.

Goodbye, and God bless.

     -Mother of Gooses


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