Lyrics to the hymn, Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus


Hello, and welcome to the Mother of Gooses blog.

Today, our subject is boogers.

Boogers are very important, as they...

          Snowy scene from a car window

Yes, I'm trying to be funny.

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to the hymn by Robert Lowry, Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus; it was published in 1876, and it is about how only Jesus can take away our sins.

It doesn't matter how generous we are, how charitable, how friendly, (don't get me wrong, these things are good) it doesn't matter how good we are, these things won't save us from our wicked ways; only the the blood of Jesus can do that.

If you don't know how the hymn goes, look up Carrie Underwood on YouTube.

Now, on with the show!

             Mountain view


       The Lyrics

Verse 1

What can wash away my sins?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;

What can make me whole again? 

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Oh, precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow;

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Verse 2

For my pardon, this I see,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;

For my cleansing this my plea, 

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Oh, precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow;

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Verse 3

Nothing can for sin atone,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;

Naught of good that I have done,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Oh, precious is the flow 

That makes me white as snow;

No other fount I know, 

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Verse 4

Nothing can my sin erase,

This is all my hope and peace;

This is all my righteousness,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Oh, precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow;

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Verse 5

Now by this I'll overcome,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;

Now by this I'll reach my home,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Oh, precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow; 

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Verse 6

Glory! Glory! This I sing, 

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;

All my praise for this I bring,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Oh, precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow; 

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Alternate verse 4

This is all my hope and peace,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;

This is all my righteousness,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

    I love that little stone building 


Well, that's it, my friends! It is such such a pretty song, and I just love how Carrie sang it.

It didn't rhyme all the time, but it is nice song.

If there is a particular subject that you want me to cover, please let me know in the comments; it helps me when I help you.

I update on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Random Chatty Days. 

Something to look forward to.

Goodbye, and God bless.

           -Mother of Gooses

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