Random Chatty Day: Beagles

 Hello, dog-lovers and dog-haters alike, and welcome to another Random Chatty Day!

Today, we are talking about beagles. You know, the adorable little dogs that are super cute, super friendly and super naughty?

I would know what beagles are like; I am the owner of one, and I have mixed feelings about.

Is it neat to have a dog? Yes.

Is it friendly? Yes.

Does it listen to me? Kind of.

You see, my beagle has ZERO recall, and is about as potty-trained as my accordion.

I don't have a accordion.

My point stands.

My dog really is a sweetheart, a real people dog, like all beagles.

Beagles are hounds, originally bred to hunt rabbits. The result is a dog that is fast, has a ridiculous sense of smell, and a high prey drive. Honestly, I think they feel unbalanced if their nose isn't a half inch away from the ground.

They are amazing family dogs, and prone to getting over-weight, as they will eat anything and everything, from the banana bread on the stove to plastic bags, to your lamp cord. 

All this I know from personal experience. 

Now my dog isn't over-weight. She gets a healthy amount of food everyday, as well as a walk. So she is a very healthy dog.

As well as being sweethearts and banana bread thieves, they are also really, really loud! 

If people are here, if there is a vulture, if there is a cat, or if I didn't walk her on time, she screams. She literally screams. Or she ba-roos. 

She really likes the cat and every human being that enters our residence. 

While beagles are good family dogs, they are awful guard dogs; I am sure that my beagle would welcime a burglar, and show them where the valuables were, under the condition that they remember to pet her as they leave. 

Pros of beagle ownership:

You have a dog, obviously.

You learn about responsibility.

You have somebody who is always happy to see you.

You can use them to clean food crumbs up off the floor.

They are some of the most sociable dogs in the world.

They are great children dogs.

Cons of beagle ownership:

They are stubborn.

They eat everything in sight.

They WILL chase your smaller pets.

They are very, very loud, and they sound like you're killing them, even if there is only a hawk. Don't even think about what would happen if you stepped on their foot by accident. The neighbors might call ASPCA or the police or both.

They will use their cuteness to manipulate you into giving them more food.

When you aren't doing something with them, they will watch you carefully until you walk them, this driving you bonkers.

When they get off the leash, there is almost zero chance of catching them.

They will follow their nose as far as the east is from the west.

Their noses are always sniffing something.

They will eat your library books.

When you give them a bath, they shed like there's no tomorrow, clog up the drain, and illegalize indoor beagle-bathing.

Both lists can go on and on. Now, I will answer some questions you might have about them.

Q: Are they good first time dogs?

A: Hmmm, probably not. You see, when you look at the con list, you see why. But then again, every dog breed has a con list, so I don't think there IS a perfect first time dog breed.

Q: Should I get an alpha dog or omega?

A: Neither. You see, my beagle is a alpha dog, and she is super dominant. She wants to be in command. 

On the other hand, our German Shepherd is an omega, and she has as much brain as a bag of rocks. 

I would try to get someone somewhere in the middle. You know, a beta or something.

Q: How much should I feed my beagle?

A: I feed my beagle once a day. At her appointed meal-time, she gets a very full scoop of food.

So, I would say about half a cup of food in the morning and the same amount at night. Or one scoop of food a day.

Q: What do I do if my beagle is not eating?

A: Well, there's a few things you could do.

Some people say that if you're beagle isn't eating, you should change to a different dog food brand. Don't. That could cause more indigestion, and isn't a good idea.

Instead, reduce how much you feed your dog. You may be giving it too much food. 

That's why I give my dog one scoop a day. She wasn't eating, and she was getting chunky.

Or exercise it more. That would definitely make it hungry.

I hope that answered some questions. 

Now, I'll give you a list of good names for beagles.
























I hope you liked the list. One of those names is what I called my dog. 

Most people I know like my dog; at least they pretend to. Some people don't. They haven't said as much, but I get the feeling.

It doesn't offend me; life has enough problems without being offended that people don't like my unruly dog.

Well, that's it! I hope you liked today's post, and if you want to read more, go to past posts while you wait for a Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, or another Random Chatty Day!

Bye, and remember: no matter what you do, the banana bread will never be safe from the beagle. 


  -Mother of Gooses


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