Lyrics to the hymn, Love Lifted Me

 Hello, friends and neighbors,and welcome to another one of the ramblings of the Mother of Gooses blog, were I say sometimes sensible things.

Today, we are looking at the lyrics to James Rowe's hymn, Love Lifted Me; he wrote it in 1912, and it is today published in 256 hymnals. That's a lot.

Honestly, I think that at at some point in my life, love DID lift me; I was going through some mental health problems, and was quite miserable. 

And God helped me get through my problems, and now I'm functioning as well as a scatterbrained beagle owner can.e

Remember: God loves you, and WILL help you, no matter what the problem is. All you have to do is ask Him to help, and be willing to cooperate with what He wants you to do to feel okay again.

You may not get better, but He will give you strength to face your problems and fight 'em like a wild cat.

I don't have many other comments, except that if you don't know the tune, go to Alan Jackson on YouTube; he does a pretty good job, but, of course, he doesn't sing the whole song. 

Why can't anybody sing all of the words to hymns?! Some people do, but it irks me how all the big singers don't.

Now, on with the show!

Verse 1

I was sinking deep in sin, 

Far from the peaceful shore;

Very deeply stained within, 

Sinking to rise no more.

But the Master of the sea

Heard my despairing cry;

From the waters lifted me,

Now safe am I.


Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help, 

Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help,

Love lifted me!

Verse 2

All my heart to Him I give,

Ever to Him I'll cling;

In His blessed presence live, 

Ever His praises sing.

Love so mighty and so true 

Merits my soul's best songs;

Faithful loving service, too, 

To Him belongs.


Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help, 

Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help,

Love lifted me!

Verse 3

Souls in danger, look above;

Jesus completely saves!

He will lift you by His love

Out of the angry waves.

He's the Master of the sea,

Billows His will obey;

He your Savior wants to be-

Be saved today!


Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help,

Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

Love lifted me!

When nothing else could help,

Love lifted me!

Isn't nice? We have all been lifted by God's love, at one point in our lives. 

You may say, "He hasn't helped me; I am better because I got..."

A dog, a spouse, a medicine, therapy, a cat, a house, a child, a horse... The list goes on and on and ON. But guess what?

God gave you those things. He knew what you needed, and He sent that special dog or that sweet friend. 

So thank Him. Tell God how grateful you are for the blessings He has bestowed up on you, and tell everybody about what the Lord has done for you and your family.

If you would like to read more, go to past posts or wait until Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, or a Random Chatty Day!


  -Mother of Gooses 


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