Random Chatty Day: Melodicas

The relative of the melodica, the piano

 Hello, friends! Today is a Random Chatty Day and today we are talking about...


Melodicas are rather strange; which is why they are called 'novelty instruments.'

You see, they look like very small pianos. They have no legs, leaving them flat on whatever surface you put them on. You play the melodica the way you would play the piano, except for one thing: you have to blow into it. 

When you buy a melodica, it should come with a tube; you attach this tube to the melodica, (you are smart, you'll figure out where) blow into the tube while pressing on a key, and voila! You can make noises that will annoy everyone within 100 feet. 

Now I have nothing against Melodicas; I like them, and I think that they are neat. But some people don't like them, so read the room before you play it. 

The melodica was invented in the 1950s; so it's really not that old, only about 70 years.

Now I know that 70 years is old for humans. It's old for an individual instrument. But if you are talking about a certain type of instrument, that's fairly new.

You can get a melodica for $17 or $120; it depends on who's selling it and the quality of the instrument.

Now I'm not paying $120 for a melodica, the same way I'm not paying $120 for a violin.

But if you can, that's great.

Do what ever floats your boat. 

I would say that $30 is a good price for a melodica. Not too cheap (there IS such thing as too cheap. Don't buy from Temu) and it's not too exspensive.

Well, that's enough for today. On Monday, I will send out why you should never, never buy from Temu. 

My next post will be on one of my scheduled days, or on another Random Chatty Day.

See ya!

                                                                                                           -Mother of Gooses


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