Jesus loves me


A series of pictures taken in the forest


Hello, hello. It's me, Mother of Gooses, and I have recently decided that my main topic will be hymns. So, welcome welcome! 

Today's song is Jesus loves me. If you haven't heard it, I'm surprised; it is a very common song, as well as a really nice one.

There is a lot of verses, more than than I thought there was. I only knew three; turns out, there's more like five.

If you don't know the tune, I suggest Carrie Underwood's version. It's played on the harmonica, and sounds really nice.


The Lyrics 

Verse 1 

Jesus loves me, this I know,

For the Bible tells me so;

Little ones to Him belong,

They are weak, but He is strong.


Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so.

Verse 2

Jesus loves me, this I know

As he loved so long ago;

Taking children on his knee

Saying, "Let them come to me".


Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so

Verse 3

Jesus loves me still today,

Walking with me on my way; 

Wanting as a friend to give light, and love,

To all who live.


Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so.

Verse 4

Jesus loves me, He who died,

Heavens gates to open wide;

He will wash away my sin,

Let His little child come in.


Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so.

Verse 5

Jesus loves me, He will stay 

Close beside me all the way;

If I love him when I die, 

He will take me home on high.


Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

Yes Jesus loves me,

The Bible tells me so.

Alternative ending to verse 5

Thou hast bled and died for me,

I will henceforth live for thee.


And that's it! Isn't it a nice song? I only knew verse 1, 4, and 5; but the other verses are just as nice, don't you agree?

If there is a certain topic that you want me to cover, please let me know down in the comments; I don't like to disappoint.

Goodbye, and God bless.

                                                                                                          -Mother of Gooses

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